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Current shipping status

Current processing status of your order

  Premium dispatch: up to date
Standard shipping: up to date
Returns processing: 1 working day
E-mail reply: 2 working days

Dear Customer

here we inform you about current circumstances or possible shipping delays, especially on the part of the shipping service providers with whom we send our packages.

This is especially the case for products that are not marked as premium shipping items.

We always have our premium shipping items in stock for you; these are ready for immediate shipment. After handing over your delivery to our shipping service providers DHL or UPS, we no longer have any influence on the delivery time.

Current information UPS:

UPS has essentially suspended operations in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia altogether.

Current information DHL:

Due to the current events in Israel, significant transit time delays are to be expected when sending shipments to Israel. Please understand that we cannot reliably predict the specific effects in the current rapidly changing situation.

You can find up-to-date information on the website of our shipping service providers:

Visit the DHL website >>
Visit the UPS website >>

Thank you for your trust - Your motoin team

Our service for you:

We are available for you:

** applies within Germany for "premium shipping items", if the item is ordered until 1 pm, the package will be shipped on the same day