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$ 34.23

Nexx XR2, lining


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Nexx XR2, lining

Nr artykułu: 11039382

Recenzje klientów

Rahul Patil

Data: 28.07.2017


On its own, the Nexx lining isn\\\'t bad at all. I couldn\\\'t see any visible flaws in texture or stitchin, and it does have some soft feel, but once you have felt something better, you realize how much better a helmet liner could be. I have a Shark Spartan and the liner on that feels a notch or two better, softer and even looks more plush. I haven\\\'t yet tried an Arai, but it\\\'s said that Arais are even better. If a Shark is a level below the Arai, and the Nexx a level below Shark, then I suppose 3 stars is appropriate, but those liners would also cost a lot more, so 4 stars it is.

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