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Held Classic Rider, gloves

Held Classic Rider, gloves

Recenzja: sizes of gloves is crazy
great, comfortable pair of gloves but the sizing of gloves is a hit and miss, I missed this time. Normally take a size 11 in gloves, these are too big at least one size if not 2, but just fitted and brought a pair of Halvarssons which were a size 13, the total opposite to the Held\'s. Moral of the story, fit if you can. NOT worth sending back as the cost of return postage was half the value of the gloves.

Krój: O 1 numer większy
Nazwisko / nazwa: Phill Taylor
Data: 10.06.2023

Held Classic Rider, gloves

Held Classic Rider, gloves

Recenzja: just too big
really nice gloves, however I normally take a size 11 in all the gloves I have brought up till now, these are just too big, should have taken a size smaller if not 2 sizes. Not going to send them back as the cost to send back is half the price of the gloves. Just going to have to see if I can shrink them :-)

Krój: O 1 numer większy
Nazwisko / nazwa: Phill Taylor
Data: 05.06.2023

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