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$ 17.06

Nexx X.R2, Destacáveis

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Detalhes do artigo

Nexx X.R2, Destacáveis

N.º art.: 11052170

Destacáveis para o capacete X.R2, 5 peças, 0, 12mm.

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Críticas dos clientes

Rahul Patil

Data: 19.01.2020


Crítica: disappointing for the intended purpose
Ordered these thinking they\'re good protection from scratches for the visor, but they\'re not fit for that use. The tearoffs are tinted, and I don\'t really mind the light green tint but the optical clarity is poor. See through them and everything looks blurry, making them useless for the using while riding. You could only use them as covers during storage to minimize the chances of scratching the visor, but they\'re no good as tearoffs.

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