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PC $ 252.47$ 226.36

Dainese Dyno Pro D1, stivali


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Dainese Dyno Pro D1, stivali

Cod. art.: 11038312

Caratteristiche generali

  • Cambio di guardia
  • Elevato grip che inserti in TPU
  • Inserti morbidi
  • Inserti riflettenti
  • Suola di gomma
  • Chiave a brugola in dotazione


  • Giunti flessibili per un comfort extra a piedi
  • Sistema di allacciatura Speed
  • Materiali principali
  • Tomaia in microfibra
  • Inserti in pelle di vacchetta

Scossa di rendimento

  • TPU heelcounter
  • Scarpe certificata CE - Cat. II - 89/686/CEE direttiva
  • Punta in nylon armato
  • Scafo interno custodia in nylon
  • Magnesio inserti sul lato esterno e tallone
  • Assorbimento degli urti inserire sul tallone con inserto di deformazione controllata
  • Dispositivo di scorrimento magnesio sostituibile (1999885 in acciaio inox Boot Kit Slider, 1996252 Slider Plastica Kit. 08)


  • Fodera di jersey doppio traferro
  • Sistema di canalizzazione aria

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Recensioni dei clienti

Frank Jackson

Data: 13.02.2016


Recensione: Great short boots
I\'ve purchased these boots to be able to wear them under my riding jeans comfortably. I already had the Dainese Torque Pro Out boots in the same size. These short boots fit exactly the same as the long torque pro outs, but shorter. They offer exactly the same protection except the shin protection due to being short boots. You also get better ankle movement/pointing your toes up and down as there is no upper part in these short boots. It is easier to change gears on the bike because of it. They also have a great lace up system which can ensure a perfect fit. I love these short boots. I also got great service from motoin.de. My boots arrived in Australia in two weeks after ordering them. I\'m a very happy repeat costumer.

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